Natalie Arabella – From 24hr Party People To Fitness & Business Goal Smashing

On this week’s episode of The Engaging Marketeer, Natalie Arabella who has gone from being a 24-hour party animal to going completely the other way and becoming a gym obsessed personal trainer, to then branching into pretty much every aspect of business you can think of.

How does she find time for all of this while still going to the gym at least once a day?


You can watch the full episode on YouTube but here are some key topics.


Darren: Well I think one of one of the things that I’ve picked up quite a bit about you is when you left London and went to where you are now actually, Mallorca, you lived a bit of a hedonistic lifestyle was it fair to say?

Natalie: Yes I’ve been referred to as the “Wild Child” quite a few times and I quit my job in 2011. I wasn’t happy and I thought “Okay we’ve been to all of the other party places that you go to, Malia, Cavos etc.” and so we booked a girls holiday to Magaluf. My friends were staying for a week and 10 days and I had planned to stay for three months and 12 years later Mallorca is still home.

Yeah, I really got caught up in Magaluf’s party scene. That lifestyle of 24/7 party and you think it’s fun, you think it’s freedom, you think that you’re living exactly how you should do at 22. But ultimately, I realised later that all of that was actually masking what I was feeling. I was lonely, in a new country the people that were around me they weren’t really my friends. It wasn’t a happy, constant Natalie that you see now, you mask those feelings of loneliness and depression with that that lifestyle.


Starting out as a personal trainer

Natalie: So I started with doing three classes and lots of social media advertising and eventually I ran a gym. It was a boxing gym so it had two sides and that came through a friend of a friend then it grew from there. But that didn’t work out in the end, partly because life changed my nan passed away in 2016, whilst I was like trying to build up the gym and the PT clients that wasn’t obviously bringing enough money. I had two other jobs, I’ve got no spare time to find new people and to socialise or to have a happy life and then my nan passed away so that made me realise that life needs to change. Which is how mum and I got into property and here we are now working together and doing all sorts of cool stuff.



Natalie: So and the first thing I do is go to the gym and that is an absolute non-negotiable especially if I’m in Majorca then I don’t do calls until after 12 because my I just cannot get my words out properly and I’ve realized over time that the best time of day for me to do things and have client calls is in the afternoon. Mondays are property and planning and strategy meetings, I only do calls Tuesday to Thursday and Fridays are for everything else um or if I choose to go and do something else then I can and but it took a long time to figure out how do I do all of this and then like again working all of the hours and just like nothing really happening you really need a bit of routine.


Natalie on her new business plan

Natalie: I’ve just written a business plan for a new project I’m really passionate about. I’m looking at starting a clothing line for women who lift, the fashion side not and the gym clothes side, because we don’t have off the off the wrap bodies it’s difficult. I’ve done so much research into this and because I’m my own client, I need this to happen.


What happens on a retreat

Natalie: So mine are a bit different because we cover health wealth and happiness so we do different activities for health and there’s always an element of Fitness. I’ll talk about the Majorca one because it was the most recent, I led a hit session, we went on a hike and we did a yoga session and so that’s part of the health covered but we also sit and Mastermind and talk about health goals.


Natalie on her motivation

Natalie: So this was a recent conversation as well actually someone said to me “How have you got the motivation go to the gym all of like all of the time?”

I don’t. I’m disciplined, discipline is what gets you results. You can sit and look at stuff and get all fired up but that means nothing if you don’t go and do the thing that needs to be done. If I don’t go my mental health suffers as well. So if I can be disciplined in that, I can be disciplined in other areas of my life too it means that I’ve got a transferable skill. Motivation will get you nowhere but discipline will.


What the future holds

Natalie: More property projects and I’m looking for somewhere to build or renovate a villa so that I can host my retreats from my villa, which I’m excited about. I’m also looking at whether we do a pure health and happiness retreat with no business because I like the idea of running one of those as well as the one with the business. We are doing property staging in London. The podcast, more talks writing a book. I’ve been saying I’m writing a book for five years so I’m publicly announcing that there is going to be a book by at least this time next year. And just helping as many people as we possibly can.


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About your host:

Darren has worked within digital marketing since the last century, and was the first in-house web designer for video games retailer GAME in the UK, known as Electronics Boutique in the States. After co-founding his own agency, Engage Web, in 2009, Darren has worked with clients around the world, including Australia, Canada and the USA.

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