On today’s Engaging Marketeer, Darren is speaking with a BNI legend, Al Tepper. Al is very well known within networking circles and he actually runs the training nationally for new members who join BNI, called member success program. Darren and Al discuss BNI, marketing, why he does what he does what he does and why he’s been such a proud supporter of BNI for so long. There is also a very personal story in this episode which could be quite triggering, particularly if you are a parent.
More information on CAMHS, the charity that helped Al and his son can be found here: https://www.youngminds.org.uk/young-person/your-guide-to-support/guide-to-camhs/
More about Al:
Al is a Marketing Leadership Coach and a Director Consultant at BNI. He is also the founder of TepFu which is a #marketingacademy set up to provide its clients with the best advice when it comes to marketing their company and pushing their brand further. You can connect with Al here:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/altepper/
LinkdeIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/altepper/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/altepper/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/altepper
TepFu: https://tepfu.com/
About your host:
Darren has worked within digital marketing since the last century, and was the first in-house web designer for video games retailer GAME in the UK, known as Electronics Boutique in the States. After co-founding his own agency, Engage Web, in 2009, Darren has worked with clients around the world, including Australia, Canada and the USA.
iTunes: https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/engaging-marketeer/id1612454837
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/darrenjamieson/
Engaging Marketeer: https://engagingmarketeer.com
Engage Web: https://www.engageweb.co.uk