The Mistery of Words with Vishma Mistry


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What ‘is’ copywriting? To some people, it’s a mystery. For my guest this week, it’s a ‘Mistery’ that comes naturally.

I’m joined in this podcast by Vishma Mistry, the founder of Mistry of Words, a specialist copywriting business where she helps other businesses connect to their audience online through the power of words.

In this episode, Vishma and I are discussing her background in copywriting and interest in the English language. Vishma tells me about the inspiration for and troubles involved with starting her own business, as well as her decision to leave the sunny, always friendly UK for the land down under.

Anybody interested in the world of copywriting will be fascinated by Vishma’s insight into the subject.

About Vishma Mistry:

Vishma Mistry is a copywriting and marketing professional who has been running her own copywriting business, Mistry Of Words, for over two years. In September 2022, Vishma was a finalist for the Brisbane Young Entrepreneur Of The Year award.

Prior to running her own business, Vishma was an established marketing professional, as well as being a freelance journalist.



About your host:

Darren has worked within digital marketing since the last century, and was the first in-house web designer for video games retailer GAME in the UK, known as Electronics Boutique in the States. After co-founding his own agency, Engage Web, in 2009, Darren has worked with clients around the world, including Australia, Canada and the USA.

Engaging Marketeer: 
Engage Web: