Tell The LinkedIn Police To F*ck Off!

On this episode of the Engaging Marketeer, I would like to talk about the LinkedIn police. Now I don’t mean anything that’s officially connected with LinkedIn. No, the LinkedIn police are those people on LinkedIn who comment on things that you have posted to tell you that you shouldn’t be posting it because this doesn’t belong on LinkedIn this is not Facebook. You know the kind of things when you put something on LinkedIn or you may have seen somebody else post something on LinkedIn, possibly related to their family or maybe they’ve posted something about a sporting event they’ve gone to or a social event or a holiday or maybe it’s something political or something religious. Something that effectively isn’t specifically about their business or doesn’t talk about what services they offer or what products they offer. And then someone from the LinkedIn police has come on and commented and gone “This isn’t Facebook, this doesn’t belong on LinkedIn, what are you doing why don’t you go away!”

The LinkedIn police, you know those kind of people, they absolutely piss me right off! They piss me  right off! Because quite frankly who do they think they are? They have no authority, they have no jurisdiction. What you put on your social media whether it be LinkedIn, Facebook, TikTok or wherever you post it, is of no concern to them so they should not be going and telling somebody else what they should and should not be posting. That’s the first thing that pisses me off! who the f*ck do they think they are? Because it’s nothing to do with them.

But the most important thing that pisses me off about this is they are fundamentally. Who do they think they are in telling you what you should not post on LinkedIn, because it doesn’t belong on LinkedIn, when what the hell is LinkedIn? It’s a social network for business. Who is in business? People, you and me, business owners. Are we robots? Because as much as I might like to be a robot with my interest in Transformers, the answer sadly is no, I am not a robot. Therefore I have likes, I have wants, I have needs, I have things that piss me off like the LinkedIn police and these are the kind of things I will post on LinkedIn. And if the LinkedIn police then come on and tell me that this doesn’t belong on LinkedIn then quite frankly the LinkedIn police can piss right off!

Because people, and this is going to shock someone, people do business with people. They don’t do business with companies, they do business with people they like, they don’t do business with people they dislike if they can at all help it.

So if you’re posting something on LinkedIn that is personal to you and it pisses somebody else off and they don’t like it, well guess what? Who gives a sh*t! Because they’re not going to be your kind of client, your kind of customer anyway and you quite frankly don’t want to work with them because they’re arseholes. So anyone that goes onto LinkedIn and tells you what you can and cannot post, all they’ve done is basically rule themselves out of potentially doing business with you and I think you’re the winner in that because you’ve lost nothing. You’ve lost somebody who you’re not going to get on with anyway. So no harm, no foul.

But the other angle is that if everybody just goes onto LinkedIn and posts about their products and their services and “This is what I do, this is what I offer, these are the things I would like you to buy” then that’s not going to work anyway because no one’s going to be interested in that, it’s a complete waste of time. And anyone who tells you that’s how you should be doing social media on LinkedIn is a complete an utter twit! Because they don’t know how to market their business on LinkedIn.

So, you see I’ve had problems of late, I’ve put stuff on LinkedIn and it’s really pissed me off! So what you could do, check me out on LinkedIn if you’re not connected with me, send me a connection request, I’m happy to connect with anybody. Darren Jameson on LinkedIn, you can’t fail to miss me, I’ve got engaging marketeer in my title. Connect with me on LinkedIn, see the kind of stuff that I post on LinkedIn and realise that it’s not all corporate bollocks that some people like to post on their LinkedIn. You’ll see how I’m doing it and how I think it should be done. That doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the way you should be doing it because quite frankly you’re different. Well, you might be different I don’t know, you might be a complete clone of me. If I’ve got any clones out there then please let me know, we can talk about Star Wars and Transformers and stuff. But if you’re not a clone of me then things could be different for you. But have a look at the way I’m doing it, interact with me if you want, tell me I’m doing it wrong if you’re like. I don’t mind. I do mind actually it’ll piss me off, so if you want to piss me off tell me I’m doing it wrong.

But do LinkedIn how you want to do LinkedIn, be you! What’s that phrase, be yourself because everybody else is taken. Be yourself on LinkedIn, be yourself on social media, don’t let the LinkedIn police tell you what you can and can’t do because they have no jurisdiction and quite frankly they are completely wrong anyway, they can just f*ck off! So thank you for listening this has been the Engaging Marketeer.


About your host:

Darren has worked within digital marketing since the last century, and was the first in-house web designer for video games retailer GAME in the UK, known as Electronics Boutique in the States. After co-founding his own agency, Engage Web, in 2009, Darren has worked with clients around the world, including Australia, Canada and the USA.



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