HELP! Should I Rein Myself In To Please Others?

grayscale photo of woman doing silent hand sign

On this week’s episode of The Engaging Marketeer, I’m having a bit of a crisis of conscience. Maybe it’s something you can help me with. You could put your thoughts into the comments on

Stop BORING People With Your Business Pitches

man in white long sleeve shirt

On this week’s episode of The Engaging Marketeer, I want to talk about how people are really, really boring with the way they advertise their business and the way they talk about what they do.

Nobody Wants Your Crappy Newsletter

black Fayorit typewriter with printer paper

On this week’s episode of The Engaging Marketer, I’m going to be talking about how you can completely waste your time with a website and not get any business through it, because that’s what most people do.

Why Most Web Design Agencies Fail

man in black crew neck t-shirt covering face with hands

In this episode of “The Engaging Marketeer,” Darren addresses a prevalent issue in web design and digital marketing agencies: poor communication with clients.

Why My Lego Collection Is Enormous!

yellow red blue and green lego blocks

On this week’s episode of The Engaging Marketeer, I wanted to talk about something that is very personal to me, and that’s my obsession with

You Are Not Good Enough – What My Art Teacher Told Me In School

boy in black hoodie sitting on chair

On today’s episode of the Engaging Marketeer, Darren discusses something that he recently posted to social media and received great reaction on. It is a story of how, in school, Darren was told he wasn’t good enough by one of his teachers and how that almost impacted his decisions at a young age, which could’ve […]

Tell The LinkedIn Police To F*ck Off!

On this episode of the Engaging Marketeer, I would like to talk about the LinkedIn police. Now I don’t mean anything that’s officially connected with LinkedIn. No, the LinkedIn police are those people on LinkedIn who comment on things that you have posted to tell you that you shouldn’t be posting it because this doesn’t […]

Should You List Prices On Your Website?

person using MacBook Pro

On this episode of the Engaging Marketeer, I wanted to talk about pricing and the age-old question about whether you should be really upfront with your prices on your website (unless, of course, you’re running an e-commerce website where you can’t really get away with it). It’s a discussion I got involved with today and […]

When MORE Website Traffic Is NOT The Answer

person using MacBook Pro

Hi, and welcome to another episode of the Engaging Marketeer. On this episode, I’m afraid it’s going to get a little bit ranty because I have literally been having the same conversation with multiple people over the last few weeks and I feel like I’m repeating myself.

Can You Make The Logo BIGGER?

apple logo on white background

‘Can you make the logo bigger?’ That is probably the most common question I have ever heard from a business owner or a marketing manager in my capacity as a website designer.

Stop SPAMMING Social Media With This Crap Content

On today’s episode of the Engaging Marketeer, I have to, once again, talk about social media and how businesses seem to promote themselves via social media. I am continually having the same discussion, I am continually having the same argument, I’m continually giving the same advice and it is just completely falling on deaf ears.

Why Film Producer Don Murphy Called Me a Welsh C***

So, something weird and possibly interesting – you be the judge of that – that happened to me many years ago was when film producer Don Murphy called me a Welsh c***. Now, he’s right about the Welsh part, but I’m kind of hoping he was wrong about